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The North


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Pure Volume





Douglas (guitar & voice) 20, Mike (really loud drums) 23, Matt (bass) 20, Trevor (guitar) 21: The North was formed in 2004 as a vehicle for the classically-inspired rock music written by then 18 year-old, 6'4", 150 lb weakling Douglas Lucas. Driven by strong riffs and near-perfect melody, Douglas' songs were tailor-made for the hard-hitting drumming of Southern Indiana native Mike. As a musical naïve, Mike is apparently barely aware of his stylistic predecessors like Keith Moon, Stan Lynch, and Mitch Mitchell. Bassist Matt, besides having perfect Breck-girl hair, coolly compliments Mike's explosive style, while Trevor's well-honed expertise takes care of the solos.

At a time when rock bands are either pop sellouts, retro-poseurs, or pseudo-Brits, the four guys in The North are just playing what comes naturally: solid, loud, melodic American rock & roll. And, in 2005, after playing a couple hundred shows and garnering over 70,000 plays and nearly 30,000 friends on MySpace, the band's achievements were noticed by the A&R staff of Sony Music, who quickly signed The North to a worldwide co-publishing deal. As Asylum magazine's Atari Cleveland writes: ... "this band is made for great things, there's no doubt in our minds on that, as we wait helplessly for a tour and full length album... we're addicted, and happily give in to our addiction with open arms!"


"I have to admit when it comes to this band I am beyond helplessly and deeply in love, with their music, with their lyrics, and with their ability pull me into the depths of whatever they may sing and leave me listening to every lyric and chord over and over again. It seems as though every time I listen to a new song from them I end up helplessly fixated on listening to it nonstop, my hearts addiction that cannot be broken. If the Beatles and Oasis were to go head to head with The North, there is no doubt in my mind that both bands would have to put up one hell of a fight to out do what The North is putting out each time. Their blends and mixtures of music bring in so much diversity within their musical concepts that their influences add touches into the music while leaving so much room for the bands own originality." [Laura "Atari" Cleveland, Owner/Publisher/Editor of Asylum Magazine in Los Angeles, California... May-2005]