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The Driftin South Band







The Driftin South Band

Core members are
Michael Mosley (Lead Vocals)
Aaron Burden (Drums & Vocals)
Eric Burden (Bass)

The DSB are Indiana's retro rockers, playing your favorite Rock with a country flair and a dash of their originals. We have shared the stage with Rock and Country Bands such as The Mad Taxpayers, Dan Canon, George Brackens, The Stone Mill Band and Grand Ole Opry Star John Conlee.

Online Interview

Q1. Artistic Name
A1. Aaron Burden of The Driftin South Band

Q2. How many Band Members
A2 3

Q3. Name of Members
A3 Michael Mosley- Vocals and Keyboards, Eric Burden- Bass Guitar, and myself on drums

Q4. How did you get started?
A4. I've known Michael all my life and he has always sang. Eric, Myself, and our friend Jeremy Boldery all took up our instruments at the same time, and we started a band.

Q5. Have you played Radio
A5. no

Q6. When

Q7. Influences
A7. alot of different bands

Q8. How long have you played together as a band - or solo artist?
A8. On and off for about 10 years

Q9. Favorite of your Songs
A9. I should'nt be here

Q10. Why
A10. It's our newest song and it's great

Q11. What are your short term (1 year) goal and long term (5+ years) goals?
A11. Well, get the band back out on the road and get studio recordings of our songs.

Q12. What is your process of creating a Song?
A12. they just come from life..

Q13. What keeps you going?
A13. The love of music

Q14. If you could meet anyone in the music industry who would it be?
A14. Paul McCartney

Q15. What would you say to them?
A15. I'm sure what ever I said would come out wrong and I would just look like a jackass.

Q16. Who is your Manager
A16. we don't have one

Q17. Name of Studio and Production Company
A17. none

Q18. Recording Label
A18. none

Q19. Who does your Artwork
A19. no artwork yet

Q20. Who is your Merchandiser
A20. we go through cafe press

Q21.. What genre do you consider yourselves?
A21. Country/rock

Q22. What bands have you opened for or played with?
A22. The Mad Taxpayers, Dan Canon, John Conlee

Q23. Do you have an EP or a CD released- Any plans for one?
A23. we have a demo cd out

Q24. What are you tour plans?
A24. as soon as we get a guitarist we will hit the road again

Q25. Do you have a press kit? If it's an EPK, what's the URL?
A25. no

Q26. What do you want fans to know about you?
A26. I'm not an animal LOL .... I don't know