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As Fate Would Have it...
The story of SubRosa is not as average as one would think. No auditions were held. No music was written, only the faith that this new "project" would somehow work out...and the fact that they had a live show to play within a week of forming. One day after Louisville's up-and-coming Renalt had called it quits, Richard Hudgins (vocals), Sean Shelton (guitar), and Eugene Barker (bass), had asked longtime friends and fans, Evan Redmon (drums), and Jordan Haynes (guitar), (who were both already in a band together) to start a new project. They quickly obliged. Un-named and without material, they got to work. The chemistry was unexplainable. Playing under a different name at the show, it was a success. The presence was there, the music was in your face. and it was the start of something they had only dreamed of. Within only six months since forming, SubRosa has played over 50 shows, a number of which has been with national acts, recorded a seven-track EP, and gained the support of many bands, and promoters in Louisville. They cannot wait to branch out across the country, and farther with their original style. The rest is up to you.

The Musicians...
All members bring something to the table, and all have VERY different backgrounds. SubRosa is a Rock band, but by listening to the material that SubRosa has created, you can hear influence from MANY genres. Whether it be the soaring vocals provided by Hudgins, whose roots derive from R&B and Soul. To the melodic voicing of Shelton on guitar who has excelled in blues, country, jazz and classic rock. All of these can be heard on a SubRosa compilation. Barker is quickly gaining recognition as one of the best young bassists around this area. His powerful yet finesse techniques are quite the match for Redmon, whose quality drumming never goes overlooked. Powerful, yet dynamic. Haynes rounds off the 5-piece with his progressive rock and metal roots, that can also be found in his playing.

The Music and Live Show...
Originality is the essence of the business. The directive is to be different from the rest, and stand out. SubRosa does not have to try terribly hard to do so. As of yet, no one has been able to label SubRosa in one of the MANY sub-genres of rock music. That is because, they do ALL. With all of their influences combined, SubRosa has developed into a versatile machine, if you will. Each song is different from the last. They have the material to please anyone that enjoys rock music. It is very in your face, but dynamic at the same time. Hudgin's emotional vocals can send shivers up your spine, and the harmonies are a melodic addition. The low end is unmistakably felt with Barker and Redmon. Shelton and Haynes' guitar work holds it's own in a genre where, solo's and harmonizing riffs are somewhat frowned upon. SubRosa is ready to hit the mainstream market, but not without creating a little chaos on the way. Complex song structures and awkward timings are unheard of on todays airwaves. SubRosa is ready to change all of that. Their live show is as intense as it gets. Nothing short of them beating each other up can create as much intensity. The live aspect is SubRosa's claim to fame, among many others. On stage is where they live. It is all they want to do. They truly feel that it is a privilege for them to get up there and "Rock Out" for the audience. Attending one of these shows is equivalent to running a marathon with No Legs. It can be brutal. How can a mainstream band create so much disorder? You must see and hear for yourself on the cd or better yet, at the next SubRosa Live Show.