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The soaring lead guitar and haunting vocals of the classic sounding rock group Straydaway sings of the importance of family and living for more than just yourself. The music rings true with harmony and angst from a life of hard knocks and lessons learned.

David Menser - Lead Vocals / Guitar
Troy Thomas - Drums
Sean O'Brien - Bass
Dave Walls - Lead Guitar
Mike Deal - Keyboard / Vocals

Manager & Booking Agent: George Black

Bands come to be for many different reasons, and Straydaway is no exception. After playing a one-off party for a friend (on leave from the Iraq War), the band recognized they had a lot of fun playing music together. After the show was finished, it appeared that everyone would go back to their normal, everday lives. David Menser (vocals, guitar) thought it would be fun to work up some of his original songs, in hope of recording them. When the songs came together fairly easily, as well as exhibiting the energy the individual members brought to the process, the next step was for them to find a studio to record in.

The results of these sessions, showcase songs that emphsize the group's collective energy. Whether it comes from the rhythmic backbone of Troy Thomas (drums) and Sean O'Brien (bass), or the melodic playing of Dave Walls (guitars) Mike Deal (keyboards, backing vocals), they provide a solid framework for David's honest vocals and storyteller lyrics. While some songs might send you speeding down a (out of the way) country road, other might place you under a shade tree, with someone you once knew. Music can take a person to many different places. From honest to positive to regretful to hopeful and back, Straydaway presents the listener a glimpse into the scenic view. The shortest way will surely get you there, but it's never as interesting...


Time is the Taker - 2006

1. Time is the Taker
2. Too Little Too Late
3. Susan Leave Me Alone
4. Close My Eyes to Pray
5. I Hope She Likes Me
6. Goodbye
7. October Days
8. I'll Survive the Fall
9. Rebecca
10. Leaving Dawson Springs

Online Interview

Q1. Artistic Name
A1. Straydaway
Q2. How many Band Members
A2 5
Q3. Name of Members
A3 Sean O'Brien/Bass, David Walls/Lead Guitar, David Menser, Lead Vocals-Rhythm Guitar, Troy Thomas/Drums, and Mike Deal/Keyboard
Q4. How did you get started?
A4. We did a party for a returning Iraqi Veteran. We played together for in the late 80's and it just hit again.
Q5. Have you played Radio
A5. No, but Radio has played us!
Q6. When
A6. Daily, 93.9 WKTG
Q7. Influences
A7. Jackson Brown, Tom Petty, John Prine, Crue, just about anything.
Q8. How long have you played together as a band - or solo artist?
A8. Got back together March of 05.
Q9. Favorite of your Songs
A9. Time Is The Taker
Q10. Why
A10. True story,sad story, and shows the appreciation of life and how short it is.
Q11. What are your short term (1 year) goal and long term (5+ years) goals?
A11. Short-Play as many venues as possible that will expose us to as many people possible/ Long Term-To keep crating the music we love to create.
Q12. What is your process of creating a Song?
A12. All of our songs are written from very personal experiences. Sometimes it is an idea that just won't leave the mind, but mostly personal.
Q13. What keeps you going?
A13. When you play your own songs for other people, it is the most rewarding to find out they have gone through similar situations.
Q14. If you could meet anyone in the music industry who would it be?
A14. John Prine! He is from Muhlenberg County, which is right next-door to us.
Q15. What would you say to them?
A15. You are the inspiration and the driving force for me to pick up an acoustic guitar and write. Also I would tell him thanks for the music.
Q16. Who is your Manager
A16. George Black Fan Club Management Co.
Q17. Name of Studio and Production Company
A17. Sunlite Music & Studios.
Q18. Recording Label
A18. Sunlite Music of Owensboro, KY
Q19. Who does your Artwork
A19. Lindsay Osborne/George Black
Q20. Who is your Merchandiser
A20. We do our own. One step at a time.
Q21.. What genre do you consider yourselves?
A21. We are caught in the middle of about 4 different styles. Our influences go from country, to metal, (just listen to our drummer live), etc.
Q22. What bands have you opened for or played with?
A22. We have just done solo shows headlining so far.
Q23. Do you have an EP or a CD released- Any plans for one?
A23. Yes, It's called "Time Is The Taker" available from Sunlite Music out of Owensboro, KY.
Q24. What are you tour plans?
A24. Right now we are doing local shows and fixing to record our second CD. We will be EVERYWHERE in '07!
Q25. Do you have a press kit? If it's an EPK, what's the URL?
Q26. What do you want fans to know about you?
A26. We want people to know we are just normal guys. We write music that everyone in KY can relate too, and it will be related too nationwide in our opinion!

Thanks for the interview and for doing what you do.