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Smash Addams




Smash Addams began as a five peice band in the basement of a close friend. Soon it became a four peice that played around the Frankfort scene for almost a year, with a total of 8 songs fully written with others in the workings, the rythm section of Smash Addams left for their own reasons. Two were left, they gave it an attempt but due to constant scheduling conflicts, they could not find any replacements. It seemed as though the band had been lost forever. Josh Toftness picked up his father's guitar, and began working on a solo project that first was known as Smash Addams and then was changed to Davy Crockett's Pocket Rocket (All acoustic work on the page). Chris Collins too kept in music with another band.

Soon however both missed Smash Addams and came crawling back. After several exciting discussions where ideas of how to bring back the band were tossed around, Josh and Chris decided they had to give Smash Addams another try. Devin Armstrong a local songwriter and long time band friend has been newly moved to the lead guitar. Tryouts will soon be held for a new drummer and bassist, if you are interested hit us up on here.

Smash Addams was named after Doug Funny's secret agent alter ego from the old 90's cartoon. They have been influenced by all rock music. Their true influence lies in the Frankfort scene with Onward Pilgrim. The lead singers of both bands were childhood friends and Severn Edmondson of Onward Pilgrim became Josh Toftness' musical mentor, sharing with him as much musical knowledge as possible.

The Band will begin working on new material as early as May. Look for a few shows to be added in late july and all over August. This is going to be a very exciting summer.