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In late 2005, John Blevins, Jason Blevins, and Jacob Collett figuered we had jammed learning riffs and messing around long enough and decided to put together a fully functional hardcore band (not a cover band) and write and record some demos. No sooner than that, Matt Woodall entered the band and we immediatly started doing shows in and around the Louisville area. We have been playing alot of Pantera, Damage Plan, and Lamb of God cover tunes in our set, but its true original songs we want to be doing onstage. At this point we are trying to catch up on new songs to release a short demo cd for promotional use and doing alot more shows by this fall. See everybody real soon.

Currently we are writing new tunes and hope to get in the studio before new years and get back into playing some shows cause i love the stage. reminder that downloads are free so crank it up.

Jacob- Vocals- Danville, KY
John- Guitar Danville, KY
Jason- Drums Liberty, KY
Matt--Bass Bradfordsville, KY


Dimebag Darrell
Black Sabbath
Lamb of God
Black Label Society