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Ryan Wardlow







Suddenly you hear a roar come from inside a bar. As you peak in to see whats going on, you see a crowd partying and yelling like none youve ever seen! On the stage you see a man singing a rocking country song while his band is jumping around like a 5 year old on a sugar high. His voice is stunning and his presence captivating. This man is Ryan Wardlow and while you may not even like country music you feel compelled to go in because you cant wait to see what happens next! Ryan, who is a native of Bedford Kentucky, made the move to Nashville in February of 2004. Ryan discovered his love for country music at an early age. He began playing guitar and writing songs at age twelve. Ryan competed in many talent contest through out his teens. It was during these performances he learned the importance of entertaining. I attended a lot of concerts growing up. I always loved the high energy shows like that of Garth Brooks. I knew that I wanted to give my fans that kind of show. Says Ryan. After high school Ryan decided to put his music on hold and joined the United States Marine Corps Reserves, in which he served for six years. I felt I needed to do something for my country. Wardlow comments, Freedom isnt cheap and I wanted to do my part in preserving what our fore fathers had done for us. During his time in the reserves he also worked for North American Stainless, a local company near his hometown of Bedford, but always longing for a career doing what he really loved. I knew everything would happen in due time. God has a plan for everyone. Ryan adds. On January 10th 2003, he was called to active duty with his Reserve Unit, Company A 8th Tank Battalion, to serve in Operation Iraqi Freedom. It was during this time that his life, and outlook on life, changed forever. "Once you've seen a foreign country and see how their people have to live, as opposed to the way we Americans have to, it makes you realize how lucky we really are." Says Ryan. "It was during those six months I was there I discovered how short and precious life is. I knew if God got me out of there alive, I wasn't going to waste another minute of it." So now Ryan is following his passion for music and putting to use his God given talent to accomplish his dream.