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Right Hand Man




Hi Everyone,

We are Right Hand Man, a rock/pop punk quartet from Northern Kentucky. We are made up of Nathan Walter- Guitar/Vox, Eric Menninger- Guitar/Vox, Allen Nagel Drums/Vox, and Adam Barret- Bass. We've played numerous local shows with lots of local bands and a few smaller national bands. We've played with locals like Here After, Rally Six, Public Defender, The Dead Pinups, and Grand View. We've played with Sugar Eater (Eyephat Records) and Anchors For Arms (Lobster Records). We are dedicated to our band and give everything we've got into all of our performances and music. We have an always growing fan base, and love to meet new people, so drop us a line anytime. We have a full-length CD being released in early December, with two never before heard songs. Hope you enjoy our music. Our myspace is


Q1. Artistic Name
A1. Right Hand Man
Q2. How many Band Members
A2 4
Q3. Name of Members
A3 Nathan Walter- Guitar/ Vox Eric Menninger - Guitar/ Vox Allen Nagel- Drums/ Vox Adam Barret - Bass
Q4. How did you get started?
A4. We started our band with different people, me (Nathan) and Allen are the only two originals. We started in our friends basement, the old base player, and played small shows close to our school in a church basement. Then we changed a few members and started playing bigger venues every month. We eventually recorded our first song and are now in the process of recording our first cd , due out in December.
Q5. Have you played Radio
A5. No we have not but hope to.
Q6. When
A6 .
Q7. Influences
A7 . We have a lot of influences. Many are experiences that we go through in our lives, individually and as a group. We all like different music as well, so each one of us brings a different genre to create the music we play.
Q8. How long have you played together as a band - or solo artist?
A8. As a band, me and Allen have been playing together almost 2 years. The new line-up has been about 7 months.
Q9. Favorite of your Songs
A9 . I'd have to speak for all of us when our favorite songs are, “No More Stars In The Sky Just Airplanes,” or simply, “Airplanes,” and “At least I'll go out in Style with my Aviators On.”
Q10. Why
A10 . Simply because those are our newest songs and really give a pretty good example of our passion for the band, and the style of music we play. Plus, they're the most fun to rock out too.
Q11. What are your short term (1 year) goal and long term (5+ years) goals?
A11.Our short term goal right now is to finish our full-length CD and have that mixed and mastered by December. Our long term goal would be to go on a small U.S. tour to really get our name and our music out there. Also so people can hear our messages we want heard.
Q12. What is your process of creating a Song?
A12. Our process is that me or Eric write down some rough lyrics. Then a simple riff is made from that and we create lyrics and guitar back and forth until we have a song. Then drums and bass are added soon after.
Q13. What keeps you going?
A13. What keeps our band going is the excitement we get from playing on stage and just giving our all. We love to get up on a stage and rock out, flip our guitars, and do crazy stuff. Our fans keep us going just as well, we love everybody.
Q14. If you could meet anyone in the music industry who would it be?
A14. If our band as a whole could meet anybody, I think it would have to Taking Back Sunday. They have been a huge influence on our style of music and lyrics. They're very inspirational to us.
Q15. What would you say to them?
A15. Hmmmm … Probably something corny like , “You are amazing.” I'm sure they here that everyday, but to hang out with them and get inside the minds of them would be a dream come true.
Q16. Who is your Manager
A16 . We have no manager, but I (Nathan) do all of the promoting, money handling, gig set ups, etc.
Q17. Name of Studio and Production Company
A17 . We have none.
Q18. Recording Label
A18 . We have no label at the moment, but hope to get one soon.
Q19. Who does your Artwork
A19 . Usually I do most of the artwork, I put all of my time, money, and effort into this band.
Q20. Who is your Merchandiser
A20 . We pay for all of our own merchandise and make it all ourselves. We also sell it ourselves as well.
Q21 .. What genre do you consider yourselves?
A21. We consider ourselves in the rock/pop punk genre. We do have songs that incorporate a lot of styles of music as well.
Q22. What bands have you opened for or played with?
A22. We have played with tons of local bands and some national. Some local bands would include Here After, Rally Six, The Dead Pinups, Public Defender, Grand View, Saturday Morning Sickness, etc. We have played with Sugar Eater ( Eyephat Records) and are playing a show on December 27 with Anchors for Arms (Lobster Records).
Q23. Do you have an EP or a CD released- Any plans for one?
A23. Not released. We are in the process of recording, mixing, and mastering our first full-length with 9 songs, including two never before heard songs. We hope that this CD will be awesome, and will get a lot of publicity for us. We really are dedicated and want to get our name and music out into the world.
Q24. What are you tour plans?
A24. We have no national plans for a tour, just local and close to our state venues as of now.
Q25. Do you have a press kit? If it's an EPK, what's the URL?
A25. We have no press kit.
Q26. What do you want fans to know about you?
A26. That we are extremely dedicated, and we give our all for every show, just so every person in the room has a good time. We love to play for people and love to get people in to our shows. We have a my space it's Drop us a line, listen to our music, and check out our shows. We love to meet new people and hang with the ones we already know.