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Of Echoes




Member Info

Lizabeth Jayne- Female Vocals
Matt Meredith - Male Vocals
Mike Ringley - Guitars, Strings, Piano, Bass, violins, cello, keys, sitar
Jason Mcfall - Guitar- Vocals
Tony Myers - Drums, Percussion, Candy sprikles jar
Mike Ringley - - Recording, Mixing, and Production
Mike Ringley - - Website Development
FAN CLUB - Raven and Sabina --they totaly rock
Contributing Artists
Taylor ann - Photo Artist - Assistent media director
Jules - best damn fan a band could have
Saint Anthonys Boys Choir -
Ariel ringley - Unfaltering distraction
Elizabeth Ringley - Endless patiance
ALL SONGS copyright 2006- Written and recorded by Mike Ringley and Tony Myers ------ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

transcript from radio interview


Tom : KBBX : Mike.. How's things been going since your C.I.A. like disappearance from the Canadian music scene in 95

Mike : Of Echoes : Well… after I was ..Uh… disappeared? I had to recover from the throat cancer raise a family and deal with a miriad of personal problems. Basically after spending 15 years on the road I needed to get a real life

Tom : KBBX :Your father and uncle were a musicians, what sort of music did they play?

Mike : Of Echoes : My dad was more of a reformed 60's folkie , my uncle pat was a blues jazz based bass player.

Tom : KBBX :You play all the instruments on the new album in addition to the production. How did you do this with out suffering insanity

Mike : Of Echoes : Well I didn't play the drum track that was Tony Myers my right hand cat that did that. The rest of it just took lots of time and retakes, I'm primarily a guitar player now and I had to deal with a bit of a learning curve , keyboards and stuff plus there is some killer software that can be used for production that helped me greatly in assembling this. As far as the insanity part goes ..well i was already well on my way anyways.

Tom : KBBX :how did you get the time to learn it all?

Mike : Of Echoes : Late nights and 16 hours days in the studio

Tom : KBBX : So there are other members of the band. What influences are they adding?

Mike : Of Echoes : Well. Tony has been a great influence and help, the rest of the band members are, hmmm… Well lets just say were working on developing the involvement of the other members.

Tom : KBBX : I took a look at everyone's myspace profiles, Cass, Tony, Jason and Matt. Tony and Jason seems to be obviously proud of there involvement with the band by there profile but the singers don't seem to interested, is there trouble in the future before you can get things going?

Mike : Of Echoes : All I can really say about that is matt just joined up and we haven't even met him yet, he will be at this weekends recording session. Cass is an apparent enigma .I have asked her the same thing and she has no answer ,so we'll see. A band is a marriage and it takes everyone to make it work so what the future holds for the band line up will be told in the crystal ball of future I guess

Tom : KBBX : do you eventually plan to go back with the major recording corps?

Mike : Of Echoes : that wouldn't be a bad thing, but there is so much more opportunity then there used to be before 2000 for Indie and privately backed bands to move into the ranks, myspace, and blogging sites like it, are a great promotional tool, and with so many self press and publishing companies out there tripping over themselves to promote you, it really makes the music business a lot more dynamic then it used to. Creed really opened the door for this, it's just to bad their ego's couldn't allow them to shine on

Tom : KBBX :You worked on the production side of music. What did you learn?

Mike : Of Echoes : do you really want an answer to that .. (Laughing) well in a lot of ways much more then I planned

Tom : KBBX :Why are you choosing to sell and market the album on the web?

Mike : Of Echoes : that's just going to be the first step, but it's just a good way to get the ball rolling and get the attention of the big boys.

Tom : KBBX :Is this model the future for unsigned bands?

Mike : Of Echoes : personally I think that's the way things are going to go

Tom : KBBX :So the power of radio DJ's will diminish?

Mike : Of Echoes : sorry dude but … yeah .. Satellite radio is going to kill you guys if you don't find a way to get you finger in the pie

Tom : KBBX :What's the best gig you ever saw?

Mike : Of Echoes : THE WALL 1979 whoop man it was so awesome, and I guess the Moscow peace festival

Tom : KBBX :What's the best album you've ever heard?

Mike : Of Echoes : Penance of Atrocities

Tom : KBBX :Do you hear Pink Floyd's influence in some of today's bands?

Mike : Of Echoes : depends on the genre, but there influence along with the many other greats in rock is defiantly echoing in today's music

Tom : KBBX :Which acts did you work with?

Mike : Of Echoes : well … many … but im concentrating on the future. I have worked with so many potato heads over the last 10 years it just boggles the mind. So im just glad to be getting back to what I love.

Tom : KBBX :How different is it now compared to those days?

Mike : Of Echoes : OH huge man, for the first time in a long time I actually smile when the music is finished because im getting the sound and feel I want. for the last few years I've spent a lot of time listening to dumb ass wannabes telling me what I should be doing instead of doing what I already knew how to do. I had forgotten what it was like to work with people that that want to truly be original and creative .

Tom : KBBX :Mike that was a bit mean sounding you seem to have a new found bitterness

Mike : Of Echoes : My wife helped me with that (laughing)

Tom : KBBX :What's your favorite track on the album?, Have you got one?

Mike : Of Echoes : part 3 of the trilogy it's called WHO DO YOU TRUST .. The witness

Tom : KBBX :Where do the ideas come from?

Mike : Of Echoes : Honestly it all came in a dream… seriously

Tom : KBBX :Who will be interested in buying the album?

Mike : Of Echoes : well let's hope everyone on the planet right?, my wife wants to quite her job and I want a new car. But if I had to narrow it down I would say the gothic and metal crowd maybe some of the pop crowd as well.

Tom : KBBX :Were going to play a track for us now, can you tell us the reason for your choice?

Mike : Of Echoes : Ah man because it kicks ass and I threw 2 dice for the number

Tom : KBBX :Will it give us a flavor of your live act?

Mike : Of Echoes : Hopefully right?

Tom : KBBX : What's the projected release date

Mike : Of Echoes : Fall of 2007

Tom : KBBX : how are you going to do this live

Mike : Of Echoes : Were going to do it like a rock opera or a play, the whole concept would be way to much of a dialoged for this interview but if you watch our official website which is or our myspace music profile you'll be able to keep an eye on stuff.

Tom : KBBX : Well mike it's been good talking to you and I wish you the best of luck, well keep an ear on things and wait patiently for release.

Mike : Of Echoes : Thanks guys and you keep in touch too.


Everyone wants the short list on the concept so here we go
Ian is an artist/painter
Iris is writer /poet
Penne` the immortal witch / NUN
Bruno Bellagio (St Valentine) former priest now the shadow but remembered by the world as st valentine (and a Merging with a lesser god named cupid) beheaded in 270 A.D Terni Italy on what is now referred to as Valentines Day
Read the first 2 chapters and you€™ll get a grasp of it so as the story goes the other 2 characters are the witch / 1500 year old castigated nun for having and affair with the priest who is now the shadow when the priest was beheaded his soul join with a misunderstood lower god now know as cupid who feeds on the pain that€™s instigated by true love the truer the love the better he feeds the witch is his animate of this earth , immortal earth walker that helps him find new victims but there is kind of a game involved (read the first 2 chapters) the rest of the story is about 5 years of the relationship as Ian spirals down the pit of drug abuse / and madness and the pain it brings her because of her love for him, therefore feeding the shadow (the crow) the with is tierd of being here on this earth (read the first 2 chapters ) and her goal this time is to help them beat the shadow thru the coin game the coins (read the first 2 chapters) are 10 of the thirty pieces of silver given to ..Well you know€., that the cardinal shoved into the priest mouth just before he was beheaded, and now she suffers you know who fate of walking the earth forever
The ending will be surprise so I refuse to give it away but now you have a better idea of what the end goal is here
If you get lost in the mirage of bog please visit or official website
So there ya have it