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Press Kit - EPK ( printable )
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What is KnubDust you might ask??????????????????? KnubDust is the stuff dreams are made of... The reason cops cant take a joke... Sex... Drugs... and Rock N Roll! KnubDust is every step-mother's nightmare and the kid your parents told you not to hang out with when you were younger. KnubDust is that guy that always takes it too far, like slamming your friends fingers in the door and laughing at him.

The band is made up of an Irish-Mexican fire-crotch with a dui, an ex-Fat Camp band geek that rides up and down his driveway talkin to his imaginary friends on the his father's car phone, a sexy redkneck woman AKA Banall AKA Bratwurst and a guy with the hairiest ass this world has ever seen.

In 2004 Embry and Rodriguez took their love for Rock n Roll and set out to create a sound that was missing from todays rock music. After auditioning and performing with several drummers the two found Josh Anna. Annas heavily jazz influenced beats and ensemble techniques provided a unique type of drumming that compliments Rodriguezs blues based guitar riffs and Embrys rough high-pitch style. Nall soon found his way into the band shortly after. Nalls melodic heavy metal sound adds a darker edge to the somewhat softer rock sound the others had created. The quartet practiced tirelessly to mold four very different musical backgrounds into one powerfully addicting sound that is KnubDust.

Since, the group has focused on polishing their sound. KnubDust has taken the emotion of blues, the flow of jazz, the creativity of sixties and seventies hard rock, the energy of heavy metal and the grit of alternative and grunge rock to put forth a sound unlike any other. KnubDust, with the funding of many fans, recorded this sound in its early stages in July of 2005. The self titled album has been independently sold since.

Along with their sound, the band has used their creativity and energy to travel the area establishing a reputation of putting on a solid performance. In efforts to re-create the atmosphere of wild, seventiess rock concerts, KnubDust has caught the ears and eyes of many, which has grown into a strong fan base. The bands live show is based not only on the music but audience interaction as well.


Online Interview

Q1. Artistic Name
A1. KnubDust
Q2. How many Band Members
A2. 4
Q3. Name of Members
A3. Hunter Embry, Dane Rodriguez, Josh Anna and Brantley Nall
Q4. How did you get started?
A4. Dane and Hunter have written and played together for 6 years, it wasn't until 2004 that the decided to get serious. They found Josh Anna, who at the time was the lead percussionist in the high school band. Anna jammed with the two and was a perfect fit. The three then set out to find a bass player and attended local shows to spread the word. They came across Brantley and from there KnubDust was started. 
Q5. Have you played Radio
A5. No, we have been waiting to send our material in until we were all confident in what we had. We will be sending it out in two weeks.
Q6. When
Q7. Influences
A7. Dane has been heavily influenced by blues and classic rock and it shows in most of his writing. Josh was a very talented jazz drummer long before he ever started picking up rock. Brantley has listened to metal all his life and is shows in his playing. Hunter has taken his techniques from many different genres and created his own style which bears a resemblence to 90's grunge type vocals.
Q8. How long have you played together as a band - or solo artist?
A8. Our first show was a little over two years ago.
Q9. Favorite of your Songs
A9. Our favorite song/s is always what has been written most recently, which at this time would be Sum n' Substance.
Q10. Why
A10. Sum n' Substance is different from anything we have ever done. We took what we had written for the last year and stepped it up a notch. Everyone brought alot to the table for the writing of this song.
Q11. What are your short term (1 year) goal and long term (5+ years) goals?
A11. Within the next year we hope to build on our fan base, get signed and keep improving as musicians, showmans and writers.
Q12. What is your process of creating a Song?

A12.There is not particular formula to our songs. Many times Dane or Hunter will come in with a riff or chorus and we will build from there. Sometimes someone will come in with an entire song in their head and the rest of the band will make it come to life. It's always different. 
Q13. What keeps you going?

A13. We know its a bit cliche, but we love playing music. The gratification you get when you create something so personal and a stranger can connect with it or just likes the sound of it is. And of course theres nothing like the high you get when you are on stage, adrenaline pumping and you see someone singing along with you.
Q14. If you could meet anyone in the music industry who would it be?

A14. Anyone who would be interested in or capable of helping us out and of course all the great rockers ever. Just to sit and hear some stories would be awesome.
Q15. What would you say to them?

A15. We would ask them to come out to one of our shows and maybe afterwards have a cocktail and tell us some of their stories.
Q16. Who is your Manager
A16. We dont have one.
Q17. Name of Studio and Production Company
A17. We just finished up recording with Howie Gano at Louisville Recording Arts and prior to that we recorded at Studio 119 (which happened to be a basement of a friends house). There we recorded 11 songs for 500 big ones... lol
Q18. Recording Label
A18. Dont have one
Q19. Who does your Artwork
A19. Hunter Embry
Q20. Who is your Merchandiser
A20. Hunter Embry
Q21. What genre do you consider yourselves?
A21.Rock. Since we have written our first song, we have asked ourselves and fans that same question. We have never gotten a consistant answer except for Rock, which is fine with us. 
Q22. What bands have you opened for or played with?

A22.In no particular order or preference, Louisville Groove, The Rodeo, Kinsey, Subrosa, Halfway Hollow, Cricket, Crimson Dust, Jacob and the Furries, The Pancho Villa, Flatline, Morning Has Broken, Happy to See You, Booked, Mauv, Dear Maybe, Schitzo, PYLOT, Sakura, Kyle Vincent, Eron Roy, Totem Soul, Hybrid L, Throwing Stones, OSSM, and so on... We hate that we cant remember all of them.
Q23. Do you have an EP or a CD released- Any plans for one?
A23. Well since we recorded the 11 song demo, we have been selling them independently since. We will be selling the new to song demo is just a few weeks.
Q24. What are you tour plans?
A24. We dont have any as of now. We dont really know where to begin. We have been playing the state and tri state area for quite some time.
Q25. Do you have a press kit? If it's an EPK, what's the URL?
A25. Yes, but not online.
Q26. What do you want fans to know about you?
A26. That we wont stop if they dont and Hunter has a the hairiest ass ever, Dane is a Irish/Mexican, redheaded step son of a bitch, Brantley is a Bratwurst/Redneckwoman and Josh is an ex fat camp band geek who rides a bicycle up and down his driveway talking to his imaginary friends on a car phone...