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General Philip



  Hiding in the east side of Columbus, Indiana General Philip is the
self-proclaimed creater of Gamer-Rap. Raised in Houston, Texas where he
was exposed to rap music at the age of 13, at a time when ZZTOP ruled the
charts and comic books ruled his life. GP as most fans refer, created his
first rap song at the age of 14 and doing it live in front of his 8th grade
english class. At this point in his life is when he knew this is what
he wanted to do. Now fastfoward past years of comics and video games General Philip
stays true to what he knows best. " I just rapp about what i know, and thats
nerdy stuff like Halo, Ghost recon and the last issue of X-MEN.." GP catchy
lyrics along w/ Constraint beats makes for a very ear pleaseing combo. Pulling
fans from all walk of life from the hard core scenes of rap and punk to rock
and emo kids, all flock to General Philips shows.

Q1. Artistic Name
A1. General Philip / GP

Q2. How many Band Members
A2 2

Q3. Name of Members
A3 myself [General Philip] and my DJ bdunn... but he's just my live dj
beats are made by constraint

Q4. How did you get started?

A4. about 8 years ago i started rapping w/ bdunn just for fun. Then it
kinda stuck. Friends started to ask if i would play at there Birthday
and after a while I thought maybe i should record some stuff, other
than the
the live tapes that i made.

Q5. Have you played Radio
A5. No

Q6. When
A6. N/A

Q7. Influences
A7. Former Fat Boys, 2live crew, digital underground and Beck

Q8. How long have you played together as a band - or solo artist?
A8. Under the name General Philip almost 2 years.. but just
rapping,since I
was 13 or 14.

Q9. Favorite of your Songs
A9. Scarface by Ghetto Boys

Q10. Why
A10. I grew up in Houston and they where the local Rap group... so it
always what you heard on the radio or on the box at the parks. Plus its
the best hook ive ever heard.

Q11. What are your short term (1 year) goal and long term (5+ years)
A11. Get a 2nd demo out by next year is number 1. After that just
trying to
get to a studio to do a full cd.

Q12. What is your process of creating a Song?
A12. It starts w/ Constraint making the beats, then words just seem to
after that... its pretty ez for me at this point. I had trouble w/ a
songs but for the most part its been trouble free.

Q13. What keeps you going?
A13. The music, I know that sounds so cleesay but its really fun for
Pluse what else am I going to do in between comics and video games.

Q14. If you could meet anyone in the music industry who would it be?
A14. Shock-G from digital underground

Q15. What would you say to them?
A15. I dont know (ha ha) just that im a big fan i guess.

Q16. Who is your Manager
A16. He's not my manager [mark reed] to say but he gives me tons of
and manages other bands.

Q17. Name of Studio and Production Company
A17. None, all my songs have been recored on my laptop by me.

Q18. Recording Label
A18. N/A

Q19. Who does your Artwork
A19. I do, but i think on the next demo im going to leave it up to

Q20. Who is your Merchandiser
A20. Cafe Press they make great stuff at a cheap price. (ha ha)

Q21.. What genre do you consider yourselves?
A21. I would like to be known as a Hip-Hop act but, Ive been labled as
"Nerdcore" and myself proclaim "Gamer-rap"

Q22. What bands have you opened for or played with?
A22. hmm... the biggest name has been MC Chris but not to be out done
some great local acts.

Q23. Do you have an EP or a CD released- Any plans for one?
A23. I have a 5 song demo that free for download at as well as plans to release a new demo
spring of 2007.

Q24. What are you tour plans?
A24. There isnt any at this time. Im just doing local venues w/
friends. But
who knows what could happen next week.

Q25. Do you have a press kit? If it's an EPK, what's the URL?
A25. Mark Reed is working on one for me.

Q26. What do you want fans to know about you?
A26. That im not a jerk (laughs) just because I yell on stage dont be
to talk to me after the show, I love it when they wanna take my picture
ask for an autograph. I eat that up.