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• Pop Rock / Brit Pop • Hometown: Louisville, KY • Debut CD: Falling Up (Toucan Cove/Label X) • Available on iTunes, Napster, Best,


Paul • vocals / guitar
Rich • guitar / vocals
Mark • drums / vocals
Ben • bass / vocals
John • keyboard / vocals

Louisville, Kentucky isn't where you'd expect a band like Digby to hail from. With a pop/rock sound that breeds New York City intellectualism with infectious melodic Brit pop, Digby's debut on Label X, FALLING UP, feels good the whole way through. Some bands just have that gift of being able to sound like 100 different influences while still delivering their own unique sound, and Digby is a prime example. “Minerva” kicks off the record with a crunching guitar assault and the crisp yet edgy lead vocals of Paul Moeller, blanketed by the tight production of Todd Smith (Smash Mouth, Days of the New). “If You Only Knew” starts out like it's straight off a Semisonic record (whatever happened to them?) but morphs into an infectious toe-tapper. “Too Late” has a New Wave/pop flavor ala the Cars and the first single, “One Hundred Percent Free,” is a wonderfully bluesy, fuzz-laced anthem. “Falling Up to the Stars” is the unofficial title track and another example of timeless pop/rock. “Keep Your Distance” is dissident yet compelling, with a bit of a Coldplay vibe and Moeller sounding a lot like Paul McCartney when he screams. “So Low” is as moody as it is melodic. There's even a hidden track by a completely different band called the Muckrakers, as Moeller disclaims before the track, and it's a nice bonus. Sometimes bands come along that can write ear candy in their sleep, and that appears to be the case with Digby. Together for four years, this quintet has a mature sound that is cool enough for the kids yet smart enough for the geezers. If you like solid rock bands that are fun, write good songs and transcend all kinds of boundaries, you'll want to seek out FALLING UP.

~Mike Farley


2005 • Music From the Motion Picture: "Keep Your Distance"
2005 • "One Hundred Percent Free" Single
2005 • FALLING OVER: The Remix EP
2004 • "Too Late" Video (featured on
2003 • GO DIGBY