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  From the ashes can arise the bird that grants us the freedom to continue that which was denied. Behold that which has no right to live shall persevere. Our lives stand before an upheaval, a benign metamorphosis, to which before, stagnating in the stench of its malignant indescretion, now breaks free and becomes more than ever thought possible. A design so perfect it could only be undermined by incompletion.

it's a pretty artsy bio. I'm working with the rest of the guys now to do a personal bio for each member that will focus on interesting qualities, background, and such.
We recorded a total of 9 song, but we decided only to master and release 5 for our demo. Soon as we get ours we'll send you out a copy.

Q1. Artistic Name
Q2. How many Band Members
A2 4
Q3. Name of Members
A3 Hollywood, McLeod, Uriah, and Redbone
Q4. How did you get started?
A4. Hollywood:Me and Uriah had been jamming together on Mirage before it was written. McLeod was in Alabama working out of town when he called Uriah to come pick him up, 12 hours of driving and the roots of Derivative were formed. Redbone came in months later after several drummers couldn't complete the puzzle. The rest is history.
Q5. Have you played Radio
A5. Hollywood:Nah, but I manage to become pretty good friends with the DJ's at our local rock station 97.5. They give us free plugs when I call in about our shows.
Q6. When
A6.All the friggin time.
Q7. Influences
A7.System of a Down, Deftones, Tool, and Rage Against the Machine would be some of the obvious choices, although there are probably hundreds.
Q8. How long have you played together as a band - or solo artist?
A8.This will be our third year, but we're still very young we know this.
Q9. Favorite of your Songs
A9.Hollywood:At the moment I'm a big fan of Pee-Ka-Boo, un-recorded song that we've played live a couple times, but on our album I'd have to go with A.K.A.
Q10. Why
A10.It's frentic, inspired by fight club, we made a kid from a Nashville band shit him-self once when we played it.
Q11. What are your short term (1 year) goal and long term (5+ years) goals?
A11.Short Term definately is to invade the surrounding areas. Clarksville, Nashville and the accompaning Burbs, Bloomington, Evansville, Carbondale, Bowling Green, Louisville. As well as record another Demo, and begin the publication process.
Q12. What is your process of creating a Song?
A12.It varies sometimes it starts with one riff, or one lyric and grows. Sometimes we frankenstein parts together. Sometimes we get really pissed at ourselves until we shit gold. Whatever it takes to satisfy ourselves.
Q13. What keeps you going?
A13.I wonder sometimes. I guess most of all, that there isn't anything more out there that I love than music and entertainment.
Q14. If you could meet anyone in the music industry who would it be?
A14.Hollywood:Alive, have to be Daron Malakian, the guy has the shoes I wanna be in, in 5+ years.
Q15. What would you say to them?
A15.I wouldn't, I'd make him do some speed and let him tell me everything he could as quickly as possible cause I know I wouldn't get much time with him.
Q16. Who is your Manager
A16.Derivative Music, or the entity that is Derivative Music. We all have our piece of managment, cause we've managed to keep it going this long. But we do hope to attain some professional Management soon.
Q17. Name of Studio and Production Company
A17. We did our first demo recording at Lion Audio in Owensboro with a band named Metatron.
Q18. Recording Label
Q19. Who does your Artwork
A19.Hollywood: At the moment me, Uriah's brother came up with the original "bird" design. I've spent quite a bit of time tooling our individual myspace sites, album artwork and ect.
Q20. Who is your Merchandiser
Q21.. What genre do you consider yourselves?
A21.I guess the best generic genre for us would be Alternative Rock, but like I said we've got hundreds of influences like all bands, so it doesn't just stop with Alt. Rock.
Q22. What bands have you opened for or played with?
A22.Deadsun, Destroy By Design, Look What I Did, Toby the Fugitive, Saiph,
Q23. Do you have an EP or a CD released- Any plans for one?
A23. We have a 5-song demo that was manufactured with bad audio and we are in the process of having them replaced. We recroded 9-songs in the studio, the unmastered songs you can listen to on our myspace page.
Q24. What are you tour plans?
A24.Open as hell.
Q25. Do you have a press kit? If it's an EPK, what's the URL?
A25.You could call our myspace page that I think, the URL is
Q26. What do you want fans to know about you?
A26.We're coming. We won't stop for anything. Our anger feeds us. No matter how hard, we will persevere.